About Entriprenyur.Com

Entriprenyur.Com is a Philippine-based business information and social entrepreneurship website. It seeks to highlight the important role of small scale business enterprises in the overall growth of the economy.

As an information website, Entriprenyur.Com will provide news and updates about the MSME sector. We will also promote budding local businesses and offer candid reviews about their products and services.

Why “Entriprenyur”?

‘Entriprenyur’ is a Filipino slang of the word ‘entreprenyur’ or entrepreneur in the English language. Our name tells everything about the content we wish to deliver to our audience.

We are all about entrepreneurship, business opportunities, trading, products and all other things related to building economic growth and wealth creation.

The Entriprenyur Logo

Our logo is a stylized rendition of the letter E in the old Baybayin script. Baybayin is the ancient alphabet of the Philippine archipelago long before the Spaniards came to colonize the Philippines.

We chose the Baybayin letter E to symbolize the home-grown quality of our content. It also symbolizes the enduring Filipino spirit of entrepreneurship.

What Can You Expect from Entriprenyur.Com

We offer timely and accurate updates about the state of small business sector whether in the Philippines or outside the country. Of course, the main focus of our content will be about the local business scene especially those from provincial cities and municipalities.

You can also expect us to provide business and product reviews. It is our mission in Entriprenyur.Com to promote and highlight the small business owner, the social enterprises, the sole proprietors, the fledgling trader and online sellers, the digital nomads, the marketers, and local service providers.

The majority of our content will be about them: the trusty and gritty entrepreneurs.

And lastly, we will try to provide tips and life hacks for small businesses. Whether it’s about making money, saving for the future, budgeting and what-have-you’s, our website will offer content that (we hope) could help budding entrepreneurs navigate the complicated world of growing a business.

News, Views, and Features

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    Can you build ecommerce website for free? Here’s how.

  • Why Foreigners Choose To Retire In The Philippines

    Yes, the Philippines is becoming a popular destination for retirees. Philippine government offers a visa program for retirees known as the (Special Resident Retiree’s Visa, which provides a range of benefits and privileges to eligible foreign retirees. Furthermore, the country is home to a growing number of retirement communities, which offer a range of amenities……

  • EDITORIAL: A Bleak Christmas Ahead?

    Christmas season is upon us, and consumers are feeling the crunch of rising prices of commodity goods. Coupled with stagnant wages and dismal jobs numbers, the strain to the economy is palpable as stores are reporting low number of shoppers and decreasing sales. It seems the Christmas spirit is nowhere to be found. And the……

  • How to get started with cryptocurrency investing

    Here are some steps to get started with cryptocurrency investing: 1. Do your research and understand the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This will help you make informed decisions about which cryptocurrencies to invest in. 2. Choose a cryptocurrency exchange or broker. There are many different platforms that allow you to buy and sell……

  • Small Business Ideas for Moms: How to make money while being a full-time mom

    Full-time moms don’t get a lot of opportunities to earn a steady stream of income. For starters, being a mom is already a full-time job. Still, there are small business ideas for moms who want to start earning money while taking care of their families. Small business ideas for moms who are looking to work……

  • What the F is a Sovereign Wealth Fund

    A sovereign wealth fund is a state-owned investment fund that is designed to manage a country’s excess foreign reserves. These funds are typically used to invest in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investments, with the goal of generating long-term returns for the country. Sovereign wealth funds are typically……

  • Can you start a small business with little capital?

    Yes, it is possible for anyone to start a business with little capital. There are many successful businesses that have started with little or no upfront investment. In some cases, it may be possible to secure funding from investors or to take out a loan to help get the business off the ground. It’s also……