Category Archives: Economy News

EDITORIAL: A Bleak Christmas Ahead?

By Entriprenyur.Com | December 16, 2022

Christmas season is upon us, and consumers are feeling the crunch of rising prices of commodity goods. Coupled with stagnant wages and dismal jobs numbers, the strain to the economy is palpable as stores are reporting low number of shoppers and decreasing sales. It seems the Christmas spirit is nowhere to be found. And the… Read More »

What the F is a Sovereign Wealth Fund

By Gian Carlos Mata | December 9, 2022

A sovereign wealth fund is a state-owned investment fund that is designed to manage a country’s excess foreign reserves. These funds are typically used to invest in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investments, with the goal of generating long-term returns for the country. Sovereign wealth funds are typically… Read More »